Friday 11 November 2016

Term 1-4 2016 part 1

Well this is a small snippet of the whole year since I have been slack at posting. The photos are a bit out of order but you get the idea

We had a Science Day with friends exploring water and it's properties

Water walking

Water tension

Oil Water

LOTS of Ice
Bird nest boys found

It had A baby in it!
Can you see him hiding

Tractor play

Banana Maths: Logan cut his Banana into quarters

After reading a Book called the Little Red lighthouse and the Great grey bridge we had a field trip to Castlepoint, such a pretty place.

View from the Lighthouse looking out to sea

After our visit to the lighthouse Builder decided to make one out of Lego

Builder also made a wind mill

Maths with M&M's Fun and tasty
We sorted them

Counted them (Logan really wanted to eat them :) )

And divided them to EAT :)

Hunting for teddies placed around the house


                                            Road trip up to Tauranga to Farewell Nana

The place we stay in at Katikati

The mine in Wahi

Creatives lego creations

Builders Lego creations

Builders bird house with a baby birds

Picnic outside

Looking for Bugs in a log Dad dropped off. Lots of huhu grubs. No-one keen to eat them :D

Leaf collecting followed by leaf rubbings

Can you spot Creative, Builder and Playful !?

Building a hut. A common occurrence here

Silly faces after a bush walk. 

Smiley with Rev

Creative's 9th birthday. Movie themed

Camping in the back yard

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